Fall River Public Library Needs New Roof

Donna Motta February 4, 2019 Comments Off on Fall River Public Library Needs New Roof

The Fall River City Council tomorrow night will discuss the state of next year’s proposed fiscal budget; consider several ordinances related to public safety matters, and be asked to appropriate emergency construction repairs needed at the main branch of the library. During this regularly scheduled meeting, the city’s Community Preservation Committee is requesting $375 thousand dollars in CPA monies be awarded to replace the roof at the library on North Main Street.  Here, in part, is the reasoning in the request for the emergency repair:

‘Replacing the roof will protect and preserve this historical structure and the many fine artifacts and memories of the past. Since the building’s opening in 1899 the library’s purpose has not changed nor has its character. This project will allow the retention of the nostalgia to continue and remain at the forefront of the community in tandem with the necessity to address the needs of today’s society. The community will continue to have a beautiful, historical, architectural structure at their disposal to enjoy and memorize. This project protects and preserves a significant component of Fall River’s timeline to the past which, in turn, will pave its future. The true character that this building exudes is classic of the true roots of the Fall River community.’

The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow night, February 5th with the Finance Committee starting at 6:00 followed by the full council at 7:00 p.m. As always, the session will be held at One Government Center, and is open to the public.

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