Fall River Police and Fire Departments Stay On Track During Pandemic (VIDEO)

Keith Thibault April 28, 2020 Comments Off on Fall River Police and Fire Departments Stay On Track During Pandemic (VIDEO)

Fall River’s first responders, in the face of increased anxiety around COVID-19, remain committed to protecting the health and safety of all residents.

Interim Police Chief Charles Cullen and Fire Chief John Lynch both admitted that the number of calls seeking assistance during the pandemic has been on par with the number of calls during normal times, with the exception of an increase in medical calls related to COVID-19.  Chief Cullen says his department, which is responsible for handling the dispatch of calls, has had to take some extra time in determining the nature of any medical emergency.

Chief Lynch says when a confirmed case of COVID-19 is reported in Fall River, the address of the individual is known to local authorities.  He says if paramedics are called to that address, a distinct action plan is followed.

The chiefs say their officers have been dedicated, professional and careful throughout the course of the pandemic, despite the added anxiety that comes with potentially becoming exposed to the virus.

You can view our entire interview with Chief Cullen and Chief Lynch on our FRCMedia Updates page.

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