Fall River, Other Cities and Towns Can Expect State Aid to be Level Funded

Keith Thibault July 30, 2020 Comments Off on Fall River, Other Cities and Towns Can Expect State Aid to be Level Funded

The state today pledged to provide financial aid to local governments and schools at last year’s funding levels.  Many cities and towns, including Fall River, have delayed finalizing their FY 2021 budget until there was some assurance as to the level of financial support from the Commonwealth.

According to estimates, Fall River is expected to receive $25.3 million dollars in general government aid and $137 million dollars for local schools for FY 2021.  The city may also be able to tap into an additional $107 million in funds in school aid to cover inflation and changes in enrollment.

The guarantee comes after months of uncertainty after revenue collection within the Commonwealth suffered since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The City OF Fall River is currently working on a second-month appropriation to pay the city’s bills through the end of August. It’s unsure when Mayor Paul Coogan will present the City Council with a final FY 2021 spending plan.

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