Fall River Murder Suspect Set Free

Donna Motta November 7, 2016 Comments Off on Fall River Murder Suspect Set Free

After serving just over five (5) years in prison awaiting trial on a murder charge, Hiram Gonzalez of Fall River has recently been set free. This after a superior court judge decided that the time Gonzalez spent in jail was adequate for the one charge he had been convicted of: Misleading the police.

A jury found 47 year old Hiram Conzalez not guilty of shooting Brian Januario to death during a robbery in April of 2011. The victim’s body was found in Gonzalez’s car on Wilson Road in March of 2011. While it was true that the defendant took the vehicle to a car wash to get rid of the victim’s blood, he wasn’t aware that a murder was to take place. In addition, his defense attorney managed to convince the jury that another suspect, a Rhode Island drug dealer, was not fully investigated.

Reportedly, Gonzalez will be set free today after his paperwork is completed.

Photo courtesy: Fall River Herald News






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