Fall River Mayoral Candidates Pull Nomination Papers

Donna Motta January 4, 2019 Comments Off on Fall River Mayoral Candidates Pull Nomination Papers

As of this moment, reports indicate that indicted Mayor Jasiel Correia will have some competition when a recall election is held on March 12th. Now that the Fall River City Council has approved the date and the Board of Elections Office is moving forward with the planning process, the mayor was among several residents to take out nomination papers for the top post that were made available starting today. There are three other mayoral candidates listed here in no particular order:

Kyle Riley – Former City Councilor and School Committee Member

Paul Coogan – Current School Committee Member

Louis Cabral – City Resident

Although the recall election date has been set, the mayor has until this Monday at the close of business to veto the vote. If he does, the matter will go back to the council for further action. As it stands now, candidates have until January 23rd to submit their nomination papers.

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