Fall River Mayor To Remain In Office Despite ‘No Confidence’ Vote

Donna Motta November 7, 2018 Comments Off on Fall River Mayor To Remain In Office Despite ‘No Confidence’ Vote

The Fall River City Council was unsuccessful last night in voting to remove Mayor Jasiel Correia from office in response to federal charges filed against Correia in conjunction with a now defunct personal business venture. At least seven councilors needed to vote to temporarily remove the mayor was required, but the motion failed on a 4-5 vote with councilors Joseph Camara, Steven Camara, Stephen Long, Leo Pelletier and Derek Viveiros in opposition.

The council did pass a motion of ‘no confidence,’ in Correia’s ability to serve in office on an 8-1 vote, as we see in this segment compliments of FRGTV:

Councilor Steven Camara cast the lone vote in opposition to the ‘no confidence’ measure.





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