Fall River Mayor To Fight City Council To Remain In Office

Donna Motta October 16, 2018 Comments Off on Fall River Mayor To Fight City Council To Remain In Office
Letter: No Basis For Fall River City Council To Declare Mayor Correia ‘Unable to perform the duties of the office’

In a letter (attached) to the Fall River City Council, attorney Mark A. Berthiaume, representing Mayor Jasiel Corriea, advises the City Council that there is no basis for invoking City Charter Article 3, Section 8 to declare that the Mayor “is unable to perform the duties of the office.”

…there is no basis for the city council to use City Charter Section 3-8 to remove Mayor Correia. Any attempt to do so runs contrary to the Massachusetts Constitution, existing state law, and the City Charter. Please be advised that should the City Council Section 3-8 to remove Mayor Correia, appropriate legal action will be taken against you. We trust such action shall not be necessary.”

2018-10-16 18-letter-to-fall-river-council-re-charter-section3-8



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