Fall River Justice Center Set for Limited Reopening Monday

Keith Thibault July 8, 2020 Comments Off on Fall River Justice Center Set for Limited Reopening Monday

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has issued guidelines for all courthouses, including the Fall River Justice Center, laying out what accessing court facilities will look like when the courts re-open on Monday.

When the courts re-open, entry will be limited to persons attending in-person proceedings, persons conducting business with a clerk’s, register’s, or recorder’s office, persons meeting with probation, and persons conducting business at other open offices in the courthouses.  Court activity will be limited to some in-person legal proceedings, but courts are expected to continue to conduct most business virtually.  Courts had been conducting business remotely

All persons entering a courthouse will be required to answer a series of questions relating to their health and undergo a contactless temperature check.  Those who are ill or are under quarantine will not be allowed to enter courthouses.

The number of in-person proceedings will further expand during a second phase beginning August 10.  The courts were closed due to the effects of COVID-19 back in March.

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