Fall River City Council Meeting Set For Tonight

Donna Motta October 27, 2015 Comments Off on Fall River City Council Meeting Set For Tonight

The night starts off with the Finance Committee Meeting, starting at 5:30 p.m. at Government Center.

The agenda starts out with citizens input time, and the discussion of the following loan order requests:

  • $475,000 for new fire pumper truck for Fire Dept. (ref. 10-13-15)
  • $680,000 for self-contained breathing apparatus for Fire Dept. (ref. 10-13-15)
  • $1,000,000 for Durfee High School Feasibility Study for School Dept. (ref. 10-13-15)

The session will end with talk about the Quarterly FY 2016 Budget Report which was tabled on 10/13/2015

Following the Finance Committee the full City Council meets at 7:00.

View full agenda here, taken from the Fall River Municipal Website.

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