Fall River Charter Being Reviewed Following Mayor’s Arrest

Donna Motta October 11, 2018 Comments Off on Fall River Charter Being Reviewed Following Mayor’s Arrest

FRCMedia News has learned that Fall River Corporation Counsel Judge Joe Macy, City Council President Cliff Ponte, Jr., and other unnamed members of the city’s administration are meeting at this hour. Our source says the group is discussing how to proceed in terms of running city business in light of Mayor Correia having been arrested today on federal charges alleging he defrauded investors of hundreds of thousands of dollars, which prosecutors say was used for personal and professional gain.

The updated City Charter is being reviewed by the group to determine what action, if any, needs to be taken to ensure government operations run smoothly. The U.S. Attorney General’s office is holding a press conference in Boston to brief the media on the charges leveled against Mayor Correia. We’ll have details as they become available on both the conference and any decisions that may have been made in connection with the City Charter.

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