Fall River Businesses Hurting with No Sales Tax Weekend

Donna Motta June 26, 2017 Comments Off on Fall River Businesses Hurting with No Sales Tax Weekend

The Bristol County Chamber of Commerce is pushing for the no sales tax weekend to take place this summer. The tradition was abandoned by the state last year, and according to Chamber President Rob Mellion, that decision hurt local retailers, who he says are already struggling. Mellion says city businesses use the no sales tax weekend as a marketing draw and have been since it was first implemented in 2009.

This year the legislature failed to approve a temporary break from the sales tax yet again citing the state’s fiscal situation; however, the chamber is assisting the Retailers Association of Massachusetts as it pushes lawmakers on Beacon Hill to reverse course and bring back the tax-free weekend this summer.

The current Senate budget for Fiscal Year 2018 does not include the tax holiday, but Governor Charlie Baker has suggested lawmakers bring it back. A bill filed in the State House of Representatives would set August 12-13th as the 2017 tax holiday weekend if passed.






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