Election Day Drawing Near In Fall River

Donna Motta November 6, 2017 Comments Off on Election Day Drawing Near In Fall River

The final election in Fall River will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, November 7th, 2017.The city’s registered voters will decide who they want for mayor, city council, and school committee. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. There are almost forty seven thousand registered voters in the city, although Board of Election Chairperson Liz Camara is predicting a low voter turnout.

Incumbent Mayor Jasiel Correia II faces off against City Council Vice President Linda Pereira; eleven candidates are vying for a seven member seat on the school committee; and there are seventeen city council hopefuls waiting to fill nine seats. Two ballot questions will also appear: One asking voters to approve a $123 million dollar loan order for water treatment facility upgrades, and to help fund the multi-million dollar Combined Sewer Overflow project and the second to approve proposed changes to the antiquated City Charter.

FRC Media will broadcast election coverage ‘live’ tomorrow night beginning at 8:00 p.m. on Channel 95. Stay tuned.

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