Election 2022: Should the Undocumented be Allowed to Drive in Massachusetts? Supporters of Question 4 Say Yes

Keith Thibault November 3, 2022 Comments Off on Election 2022: Should the Undocumented be Allowed to Drive in Massachusetts? Supporters of Question 4 Say Yes

FRCMedia is publishing stories of candidates and referendum questions on the November 8 State Election.  Today’s entry features Question 4, eligibility for driver’s licenses.

You can view our complete interview with the supporters of Question 4 on our special Election 2022 Ballot Questions page.

Question 4 on the election ballot was recently added to the ballot over the summer. It asks voters whether they support a law passed by the legislature to provide undocumented individuals with the right to obtain a driver’s license. The bill was passed over the veto of Governor Charlie Baker.

Nicole Malone from Yes on 4 for Safer Roads says the issue was passed with public safety in mind.

The law is slated to take effect in July of 2023. Ms. Malone says the Massachusetts law is patterned against similar laws in other states and if implemented, undocumented individuals will be protected against undue immigration action.

Opponents of the referendum question whether noncitizens will be automatically enrolled to vote, an option for Baystate citizens. Ms. Malone says that is not the case.

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