Election 2022; Should Fall River Become a Member of the MBTA?

Keith Thibault October 13, 2022 Comments Off on Election 2022; Should Fall River Become a Member of the MBTA?

FRCMedia is publishing stories of candidates and referendum questions in the November 8 State Election.  Today’s entry features the only local referendum on the ballot…asking voters whether Fall River should become a member of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA).

You can view our complete interview with the supporters and opponents of MBTA question on our special Election 2022 Ballot Questions page.

There is only one local referendum question Fall River voters will consider. It asks residents whether the city should become a member of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority or MBTA. Membership is a requirement for the proposed launching of SouthCoast Rail late next year.

Paul Chasse of the Rail to Boston Coalition, which is in favor of passing the referendum, says there was likely an oversight in not seeking voter approval of membership earlier. Regardless, he says, the benefit of having rail in Fall River is one of access.

Nelson Vasquez represents Time to Bail, Vote No on Southcoast Rail says those who have supported SouthCoast Rail have not done enough research into any potential negative impacts rail service could have for the people of Fall Fiver.

There has been a dispute as to how much welcoming SouthCoast Rail to Fall River will cost the city. Mr. Chasse says the city’s MBTA assessment is absorbed through its yearly payment to be part of the service provided by the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA).

Mr. Vasquez disputes that claim, saying the city’s assessment will change once it becomes an MBTA member.

Mr. Vasquez is also concerned about the rights the MBTA may have when it comes to development near local train stations. He fears new housing developers will make it a challenge for local residents to find affordable housing.

Mr. Chasse responds by saying more housing options will benefit city residents.

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