Election 2022: Rematch on Tap for 8th Bristol Rep Seat

Keith Thibault October 5, 2022 Comments Off on Election 2022: Rematch on Tap for 8th Bristol Rep Seat

FRCMedia is publishing stories of candidates running in the November 8 State Election. Today’s entry features State Representative Paul Schmid and Evan Gendreau, the Democrat and Republican candidates running for state representative in the 8th Bristol District.

You can view our complete interviews with Paul Schmid and Evan Gendreau on our special Election 2022 page.

One of the local offices with a contested race in this year’s election is the 8th Bristol District state representative seat currently held by incumbent Democrat Paul Schmid. He is being challenged, for the second election cycle, by Republican Evan Gendreau.

Representative Schmid has a 12-year legislative record he is running on, and he cites many accomplishments that have paid dividends to Fall River. Among them is working with his colleagues to expand economic development opportunities through transportation improvements on the waterfront.

Representative Schmid says increased education funding secured for Fall River through the Student Opportunity Act will be a game changer in terms of providing the opportunity for students to get the skills they need to be successful, productive citizens.

He is also proud of his work to secure resources to complete a master plan to revitalize Fall River’s Flint Neighborhood.

Representative Schmid did not vote in favor of passing a constitutional amendment that seeks to raise taxes on individuals earning more than one million dollars a year, an issue that seeks voter approval as Question 1 on the ballot. He anticipates the amendment will pass and hopes to work with colleagues to lessen any potential impacts on the middle class.

The makeup of the 8th District has changed with representation in Fall River, Westport, Freetown, New Bedford and now, Acushnet.

Republican challenger Evan Gendreau feels he may have an advantage over Representative Schmid in some of the more suburban and rural precincts. He ran for the seat in 2020 and touts himself as a moderate Republican, receiving the endorsement of outgoing Governor Charlie Baker. He says if elected, he wants to work in a collaborative manner with what will likely remain a heavily Democratic House chamber.

A key plank of Mr. Gendreau’s platform is tax relief for residents where possible while still ensuring cities and towns can support essential programs such as education and public safety staffing.

Mr. Gendreau agrees that SouthCoast Rail brings with it tremendous economic development opportunities for Fall River, particularly in the area of tourism. On education, he would like to see communities like Fall River train students in areas that will meet the needs of the local workforce.

In the 2020 election, Representative Schmid defeated Mr. Gendreau earning 57% of the vote.

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