Election 2022: Healey/Driscoll Campaign Hopes to Bring Executive Experience to Governor and Lt. Governor Offices

Keith Thibault October 26, 2022 Comments Off on Election 2022: Healey/Driscoll Campaign Hopes to Bring Executive Experience to Governor and Lt. Governor Offices

FRCMedia is publishing stories of candidates to inform voters as they cast ballots by November 8 in the State Election.  Today’s entry features Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll, candidate for Lt. Governor and running mate of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Maura Healey The ticket is facing Republicans Geoff Diehl/Leah Allen and Libertarians Kevin Reed/Peter Everett in the election.

You can view our complete interview with Kim Driscoll on our special Election 2022 page.

Here are some excerpts from our conversation.

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