Election 2022: Dental Care Costs, Reporting Transparency the Focus of Question 2

Keith Thibault November 2, 2022 Comments Off on Election 2022: Dental Care Costs, Reporting Transparency the Focus of Question 2

FRCMedia is publishing stories of candidates and referendum questions on the November 8 State Election.  Today’s entry features Question 2, the regulation of dental insurance.

You can view our complete interview with the supporters and opponents of Question 2 on our special Election 2022 Ballot Questions page.

Question 2 on this year’s State Election ballot is asking voters to approve a measure that will require a minimum percentage of dental insurance premiums to be set aside exclusively for patient care.

Dr. Jeffrey Karen, in support of Question 2, says dental insurers should be required to commit as much money to patient care as medical insurers.

Doug Rubin, former chief of staff to former Governor Deval Patrick and a consultant for the No on Question 2 campaign, says it’s unfair to compare dental insurance with medical insurance since dental coverage is voluntary. He believes the passage of the referendum will have negative market impacts.

Mr. Rubin goes on to say, if passed, the referendum will likely result in significant premium hikes for patients.

Dr. Karen says by passing the referendum, patients will be able to afford dental work they may not have had access to in the past.

The referendum also calls for stricter reporting requirements for dental insurers to ensure they meet the spending threshold.

Mr. Rubin believes the new reporting requirements will impose an undue burden on dental insurers.

Mr. Rubin also says any change in dental insurance coverage should fall under the purview of the state legislature and if passed, the referendum will set a negative precedent nationwide.

Dr. Karen says the bottom line is the passage of the referendum will result in better and more cost-effective dental care.

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