Election 2022: Convenience and Fairness the Focus of Referendum Increasing Alcohol Licenses

Keith Thibault October 10, 2022 Comments Off on Election 2022: Convenience and Fairness the Focus of Referendum Increasing Alcohol Licenses

FRCMedia is publishing stories of candidates and referendum questions in the November 8 State Election.  Today’s entry features the supporters of Question 3, the expanded availability of licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages.

You can view our complete interview with the supporters of Question 3 on our special Election 2022 Ballot Questions page.

Question 3 on the election ballot looks to increase the number of alcohol licenses a retail establishment can own. Currently, the limit is nine (9) licenses. If passed, the number will rise to eighteen (18) beer and wine licenses with up to seven (7) being full alcohol licenses.

Rob Mellion, who represents the Massachusetts Package Store Association, says passage of the referendum will allow for more convenience for consumers while bringing fairness for small liquor store owners and large retail establishments.

Mr. Mellion says safety measures will accompany the increase in the number of licenses. There are provisions in the referendum to guard against the unlawful sale of alcohol to minors.

Along with ending self-checkout, the structure of fines for those caught selling alcohol to minors is being changed to make it a bigger deterrent for retailers.

Another safeguard in the referendum will now make out-of-state ID’s a valid form of identification when selling alcohol.

If passed the law will take place in 2023 with the increased number of alcohol licenses being phased in over 10 years.

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