Election 2015 – Results Are Now official

Donna Motta September 22, 2015 Comments Off on Election 2015 – Results Are Now official

Final preliminary election results are in.

The victor tonight in Fall River’s mayoral race: Jasiel Correia II.

Mr. Correia garnered about 4, 700 votes to Sam Sutter’s approximately 4, 100 votes.

This with 29 precincts reporting in tonight at Government Center.

In the City Council race:

Shawn Cadime
Cliff Ponte
Linda Perreria





“Voter turnout is disappointedly low for this preliminary election.”

Those are then words of Election Board Chairwoman Liz Camara tonight who talked with frc media and frcconnect.org moments ago.

“I predicted a 30 percent voter turnout out of the city’s approximately 47 thousand registered voters,” Camara says. Unfortunately, at 5:30 p.m. there was only a 16.4% turnout.

29 city council candidates are hoping to get their names on the November 3rd ballot. 5 mayoral candidates are vying for the top post. As you wait for results, Fall River residents are welcome to watch 5 minutes video clips of candidates who chose to take up an offer of air time by frc media Director Keith Thibault.

Click the election tab on frcconnect.org for the candidates platforms…in their own words.







Photo courtesy

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