Durfee Seniors Missing Annual Rites of Passage, Remain Hopeful for One Last Class Celebration (VIDEO)

Keith Thibault April 28, 2020 Comments Off on Durfee Seniors Missing Annual Rites of Passage, Remain Hopeful for One Last Class Celebration (VIDEO)

The Durfee High School Class of 2020 has had to deal with the loss of time not spent together during the final months of the school year due to COVID-19.  Many have accepted the change in plans, but are still committed to honoring each other’s successes.

Student Body Vice President and Durfee senior Noor Issa says the class of 2020 is resilient, but not being able to finish their high school career together is disappointing.

With end-of-the-year events either canceled, postponed or in flux, Issa and other seniors hope that the class of 2020 will still be able to get together one last time.

Issa says seniors are also concerned about what lies ahead, especially those who plan to attend college not knowing if their first semester will include the on-campus experience.

Listen to our full interview with Noor on our FRCMedia Update page.

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