Durfee High School Security Measures Remain In Place

Donna Motta October 26, 2016 Comments Off on Durfee High School Security Measures Remain In Place

In light of a Snapchat photo that depicted the photograph of a BB gun that stated “At Durfee” and the subsequent arrest of the 15 year old student who posted the pic on the social media site on Monday, security remains tight at the Elsbree Street campus today.

Director of Buildings & Grounds Ken Pachecco tells FRC Media News that it took three hours to get students into the building when the added security measures were put into place yesterday, October 25th.

“Students had to stay outside in the cold weather,” Pachecco says, “but it was necessary in order to get them through the security check which included having them go through metal detectors. A K-Nine unit was also at the scene along with an increase in a police presence.”

Just before dismissal yesterday, Durfee Principal Maria Pontes announced that the western main entrance at Ray and Stanley streets would be used today, October 26th along with the main entrance on Elsbree street in order to allow students to enter the building in a more timely fashion.

Reportedly, some students were upset with the way security was handled, because of the delay in getting to classes yesterday, but Ms. Pontes insisted that whether or not the Snapchat post was real was irrelevant, and that the security measures were necessary as a precautionary measure in order to keep students, faculty, and staff safe.






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