Durfee High Graduation This Friday

Keith Thibault June 2, 2022 Comments Off on Durfee High Graduation This Friday

Approximately 500 Durfee High School Seniors are slated to graduate at a ceremony this Friday at 7pm.

The graduation exercises will take place on Mac Aldrich Field. Durfee principal Matthew Desmarais says each year showcases different students who follow similar paths.

If graduation is postponed due to inclement weather, Desmarais says the ceremony will be rescheduled for either Saturday or Sunday.

Durfee is nearing the end of its first year in the new school which opened in September. Desmarais says traffic continues to be an issue each morning and afternoon but otherwise students and staff have adapted to the new learning environment.

Desmarais says construction work continues with new athletic fields and parking options soon to be completed.

During the year there were social media reports of students vandalizing the new school and experiencing general misbehavior. Desmarais says those actions are normal.

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