Durfee Construction Project Update

Donna Motta September 12, 2016 Comments Off on Durfee Construction Project Update

Nine (9) companies have applied to the city of Fall River to act as Owners Management Operator for the B.M.C. Durfee High School Construction Project, and one of the five (5) top choices will be recommended for hire today. That from Director of Buildings & Grounds Ken Pacheco.

He explains that the applicants have applied for the $one million dollar contract position, which involves coordinating the construction project involving Durfee. The current building is archaic, and has to either be renovated, razed, or a hybrid involving the current building needs to be constructed.

Currently, the high school has enough room to service 38 hundred students, but the new building will accommodate only 25 hundred.

“That’s because our projections show less students will be attending Durfee over the next decade,” Pacheco tells FRC Media News. “Students have other options to get their education elsewhere including Diman and charter schools, which will mean less space is needed in a new or hybrid facility.

The company chosen as OMO today will enter into a one year contract to oversee the design and planning stages. Pacheco says it will take that much time to get the construction process started.

The Massachusetts School Building Authority – a state agency – will have a say on which firm is hired for to over see the project.

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