Diocesan Schools to Abide by Lifting of School Mask Mandate

Keith Thibault February 11, 2022 Comments Off on Diocesan Schools to Abide by Lifting of School Mask Mandate

Schools within the Diocese of Fall River will no longer require masks effective February 28.

Diocese of Fall River Catholic Schools Mask Policy – updated as of February 10, 2022

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education recently announced the elimination of the mask mandate for all students, teachers, staff and visitors regardless of vaccination status,
effective February 28, 2022.

Therefore, the Diocese of Fall River Catholic schools will no longer require masks in schools, effective February 28, 2022. This applies to students of all ages, as well as teachers, staff and visitors.

As always, any individual who wishes to continue to wear a mask, including those who face higher risk from COVID-19, will be supported in that choice. DESE and DPH strongly recommend
unvaccinated individuals continue to wear masks in school settings.

Our schools will continue to follow any mandates set forth by local health boards. Similarly, we will continue to follow the DESE-DPH Protocols for Responding to COVID-19 Scenarios.

Any family who chooses to have their child(ren) continue to mask should discuss this with their student(s) as a family expectation, as the teachers and staff of the Diocese of Fall River Catholic School will no longer be responsible for the enforcement of mask-wearing on school campuses with the exception of individuals who have tested positive and are returning to school for days
6-10 of their Covid recovery as per the DESE-DPH Protocol indicated above or are visiting the school nurse’s office.

Masking continues to be required on all school buses, per federal order.

Realizing that additional guidance may continue to evolve, the Diocese of Fall River Catholic Schools Office will provide additional updates as needed.

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