Diocesan Office of Safe Environment Supports Victims and Investigates Instances of Alleged Abuse

Keith Thibault July 15, 2024 Comments Off on Diocesan Office of Safe Environment Supports Victims and Investigates Instances of Alleged Abuse

The Diocese of Fall River has been vigilant in investigating allegations of child sexual abuse since cases involving clergy came to light late last century and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2002 approved The Dallas Charter which called for a “safe environment” for all children and youth participating in activities sponsored by the Church.

Fall River Bishop Edgar da Cuhna expanded the Diocese’s efforts in 2018 by creating the Office of Safe Environment.

Director Carolyn Shipp says the goal of the Office of Safe Environment is to create a culture of protection across the Diocese, with a focus on prevention and response. Part of the prevention piece revolves around screening those who minister, work or volunteer within the Diocese.

Training is also available for children who receive services from the Diocese.

Ms. Shipp says her office handles concerns across the Diocese of interpersonal incidents that may night rise to the level of an investigation. But all allegations of sexual abuse received by the Diocese must be reported for a formal review by law enforcement and organizational authorities.

The Diocese retains an internal investigator and utilizes a ministerial review board of lay individuals who are not employees of the Diocese. It examines the evidence of any internal investigation and makes recommendations of disciplinary action to the Bishop who will render a final decision.

Ms. Shipp says there is more work to be done by her office to ensure all within the Diocese are protected.

The work done by the Office of Safe Environment has been recognized as being the third-best organization in the country by the Catholic watchdog organization Voice of the Faithful.

The Office of Safe Environment is currently investigating allegations of sexual misconduct against Reverend Jay Mello, who was placed on administrative leave late last month as pastor of St. Michael and St. Joseph’s Churches.

Image courtesy of the Diocese of Fall River

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