COVID-19 Survivor Shares Her Experience Overcoming the Disease (VIDEO)

Keith Thibault May 7, 2020 Comments Off on COVID-19 Survivor Shares Her Experience Overcoming the Disease (VIDEO)

In speaking of the COVID-19 pandemic we tend to focus on those who are sick or have died.  Not as well recognized are the survivors.

Barbara Beckmann of Tiverton was diagnosed with COVID-19 in late March.  Having been working from home for some time she was unaware as to how she contracted the virus. She said some of her symptoms were more severe than others.

Three days after her diagnosis, her husband also contracted the disease.

The couple was aided by outside support from family and friends who would drop food and supplies from a safe distance.

After three weeks in quarantine, Barbara is back at work and is hopeful she and her husband will be able to use their experience to help others who may come down with the disease.

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