Council Asks Administration to Investigate Other Uses for the Bank Street Armory

Keith Thibault August 16, 2023 Comments Off on Council Asks Administration to Investigate Other Uses for the Bank Street Armory

The Fall River City Council last night once again postponed a vote on selling the former Bank Street Armory to a local developer, asking the Coogan administration to do more research on whether the historic building can be renovated and retained by the city as a public venue.

The city is prepared to sell the property to local developer Alan Macomber for $200,000.  Mr. Macomber plans to convert the armory into housing, with 20 percent to be deemed affordable and offered first to local veterans.

Based on a study conducted in 2015, this city estimates all repairs would cost between $10 to $12 million, money the city is not willing to commit to at this time.

City Councilor Brad Kilby supported the sale, saying delays in selling other abandoned city buildings have resulted in the property no longer being suitable for redevelopment.

During a hearing on the sale of the armory, City Councilor Shawn Cadime asked City Administrator Seth Aitken if any of the city’s remaining American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money can be used for repairs. Mr. Aitken said it is possible, but the city is looking to use that funding for other priorities.

Mr. Aitken said it is possible the city’s Community Preservation Commission could provide money to go toward a partial repair of the building if the city did decide to retain control. He added such a decision would come with a loss in revenue and added cost.

Councilor Cadime argued for the city not to rush into the sale until all options for its future use are examined.

The council voted to table the measure to allow the administration more time to conduct research on options for the use of the building.

Video courtesy Fall River Government Television

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