Correia Gets BackLash For Reorganization Efforts

Donna Motta February 9, 2016 Comments Off on Correia Gets BackLash For Reorganization Efforts

According to an article in the Fall River Herald News, Mayor Jasiel Correia is being criticized for keeping his reorganization efforts under wraps.

While it’s not been a secret that the mayor is all for the privatization of trash, he has not been open about just how he plans to go about reaching that goal, according to unnamed sources.

The Herald News article states that Sunrise Scavengers owned by Joseph Lombardi, has been on site at the DPW barn looking over the sanitation department books. Sources also claim that staff from Sunrise Scavengers have been riding with sanitation supervisors in city pick-up trucks. This has not sat well with members of Teamsters Local 251, which represents city sanitation workers who are not pleased that non-city employees are driving city-owned vehicles.

In related news, Mayor Correia is in the process of reorganizing several city departments, including hiring a new Community Maintenance Director. Current director Ken Pachecco is waiting to hear if the city council’s ordinance committee will open a job for him as the director of city buildings. If that happens, Correia has told that he will put Pachecco in that position. Other reorganization efforts though have not been disclosed to city councilors who say they are being left in the dark.

Stay tuned for updates on as they become available.

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