Congressman Kennedy Reacts to State of the Union

Keith Thibault February 5, 2020 Comments Off on Congressman Kennedy Reacts to State of the Union

Massachusetts Congressman Joseph Kennedy III has shared his thoughts on President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address.

From Congressman Kennedy


Washington, D.C. – Congressman Joe Kennedy III released the following statement in response to President Trump’s State of the Union.

“Working Americans struggle to make ends meet, vulnerable neighborhoods pay the price of a changing climate, desperate patients crowdsource medical bills and communities of color battle systemic and overt racism, yet this President chooses self-adoration over solutions. In his three years in office, he has relentlessly pursued policies that punish working families and marginalized communities, while rewarding corporate interests. This Administration has never judged its own success by the success of our neighbors, it has only sought to consolidate power at the expense of those it silences.

“When I stood in Fall River, Massachusetts two years ago to deliver the rebuttal to President Trump’s first State of the Union, I told America we did not have to abide by his zero-sum rules. That we could choose both. And that is exactly what House Democrats have done in the last year. From climate change to health care to civil rights to economic justice to gun violence to democratic reforms, we have fought for all Americans regardless of the color of their skin, the god of their prayers or the votes they cast.

“This is a man who has proven himself incapable of practicing the unity he preaches during his State of the Union addresses.”

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