City School Students Help Create Murals With Positive Messages

Keith Thibault November 1, 2022 Comments Off on City School Students Help Create Murals With Positive Messages

Two city schools last week played host to the creation of murals that promoted the message of love and unity.

The mural project was held at Henry Lord Community School and Talbot MIddel School and was organized by Coaching4Change, a regional organization that connects college students with schools to provide mentoring and support to students in urban school districts like Fall River.

Coaching4Change has had a presence at Henry Lord for nearly six years, supporting after-school activities that focus on college and career readiness. Co-Founder Peter Berman invited New York artist John Westbay to lead the mural project. He says Mr. Westbay’s community artwork promoting love and respect can make a positive influence on middle school-age students.

Mr. Westbay says he was excited to work with students while also sharing the benefits of art as a career.

Henry Lord’s principal, Dr. Aimee Bronhard, says the school’s relationship with Coaching4Change has been one of the elements that are making a difference in the recent turnaround. at the once underperforming school. She goes on to say the mural project keeps the school’s mantras of “Love Works” and “Be the One” at the forefront of students and teachers.

Art students at both schools played a role in contributing to the creation of the murals. Those we spoke to enjoyed taking part and are proud that the message being shared will have a lasting impact throughout the school year.

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