City Residents Weigh-In on Spending ARPA Funds

Keith Thibault July 20, 2021 Comments Off on City Residents Weigh-In on Spending ARPA Funds

The task force established by Mayor Paul Coogan to make recommendations on how to spend $69 million in federal money from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) held a public meeting last night seeking resident’s input on how best to spend the money.

The city is limited on how it can expend ARPA funds based on these broad categories:

  • Compensating for lost revenue caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Employee premium pay for essential workers during the pandemic.
  • Programs to help industries negatively impacted by the pandemic…such as local tourism and hospitality.
  • Public health costs, including mental health and substance abuse support.
  • Water, sewer and broadband infrastructure projects.
  • Services to those disproportionally impacted such as education and child care.
  • Housing support.

Many of the suggestions from residents were targeted to specific causes.  Kathy Castro of the Fall River Arts & Culture Coalition feels the city should capitalize on the growing arts and culture scene.

Alexander Silva is looking for the city to use the funds for the general benefit of all residents.

Local attorney Rena Brown says local non-profits, on the front lines of helping those in need, would benefit greatly from an infusion of funds.

Among the suggestions from Chris Aguiar is using funds to help the homeless and struggling families get back on their feet.

Nelson put the importance of this unique situation into perspective.

There is no time frame by which the task force will make ARPA spending recommendations to the mayor.  The deadline for the city to spend the funds is June of 2025.

Video courtesy Fall River Government Television

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