City Police Receives Training Support from Bristol County D.A.

Keith Thibault November 5, 2020 Comments Off on City Police Receives Training Support from Bristol County D.A.

The Fall River Police Department will be receiving financial support for its training programs from Bristol County District Attorney Tom Quinn.

From the Fall River Police Department

The Fall River Police Department would like to publicly thank Bristol County District Attorney Thomas Quinn for funding a new training program at the police department. During these extremely difficult fiscal times, Chief Jeffrey Cardoza has been looking for ways to fund additional training programs. District Attorney Quinn graciously offered to provide the department with $10,000.

The additional funding will allow every sworn officer to participate in a program called “Path to the Guardian.” This innovative training will allow officers to participate in remote training sessions on a weekly basis. Officers will be eventually completing fifty-two classes. Examples of topics to be covered are use of force, failure to intervene and Policing in the 21st Century- 6 Pillars. In addition, select officers will be trained in the area of de-escalation.

Chief Cardoza stated, “I applaud District Attorney Quinn for demonstrating a commitment to the Fall River Police Department and the community of Fall River”. District Attorney Quinn recognizes the need for additional training in these important areas.

District Attorney Thomas Quinn stated, “I am pleased to be able to assist and partner with the Fall River Police Department for these important training initiatives.”

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