City Libraries, Senior Centers Closed This Week

Keith Thibault March 15, 2020 Comments Off on City Libraries, Senior Centers Closed This Week

The City of Fall River is closing all public libraries and senior centers this week.

From the City of Fall River

March 14, 2020

The Fall River Public Library will be closed Monday, March 16 – Saturday, March 21. In addition, the Fall River Senior Centers will be closed Monday, March 16– Friday, March 20.

We continue to encourage residents to do the following:

· If you have City bills, please pay online, by mail, or over the phone. Residents can also utilize one of our two drop box locations at Government Center (first floor lobby or on exterior of building on Third Street)

· Practice social distancing. This means keeping 6 feet from another individual

· Stay home when you are sick

· Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water is not available use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer

· Cough or sneeze into a tissue and dispose of the tissue

· Clean frequently touched surfaces on a daily basis

Please check the City of Fall River website for updated information on closures, cancellations, and City announcements.

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