City Councilors: ‘No’ To Salary Increase

Donna Motta January 12, 2017 Comments Off on City Councilors: ‘No’ To Salary Increase

Apparently Fall River City Councilors do not want Faust Fiore, special assistant to Mayor Correia, to receive a $5,000 salary increase in the form of a stipend. At least that was the outcome at a council finance committee this week.

Fiore was hired at a $45 thousand dollar a year salary set by ordinance. Correia had attempted to change Fiore’s title by ordinance, and raise his salary to $52 thousand dollars which results in a 16 percent pay hike. The council refused.

The pay hike came to light at this week’s finance committee meeting during a discussion related to a salary transfer of $30 thousand dollars to an expenditure item to help pay for Correia’s branding initiative. Earlier this week, Correia said the stipend was given to Fiore because he was taking on added responsibilities currently managed by other city departments.








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