City Council Delays Action on One Month FY 2021 Budget (VIDEO)

Keith Thibault June 10, 2020 Comments Off on City Council Delays Action on One Month FY 2021 Budget (VIDEO)

The Fall River City Council last night voted 8-1 to delay action on approving a one-month appropriation to begin the new fiscal year that begins July 1.

With the uncertainties surrounding revenue for the next fiscal year, Mayor Paul Coogan presented the council with an appropriation to cover expenses for the month of July. Mayors were granted the option through state legislation to delay the adoption of a full-year budget as local governments wait to see if federal aid will be provided to help in recovering the loss of revenue for states and municipalities due to COVID-19.

The council did not approve the appropriation, voting instead to ask the administration for information on options for a full-year spending plan.

During the debate,  Councilor Shawn Cadime said the council should be approving a full budget now, based on FY 2020 revenue levels.  He added that approving one-month budgets will result in more layoffs when a final budget is approved, then dealing with cuts now.

The lone vote in opposition came from Councilor Linda Pereira, who agrees that delaying action on a full budget is not the best move, but not acting on a spending plan to begin the new fiscal year will be unfair to city employees.

The mayor presented a one-month budget totaling $24,750,167. In his initial letter to the council, it was the mayor’s intention to submit a complete FY 2021 budget by July 31, unless revenue sources are still uncertain. If that is the case, the mayor would continue to submit a one-month budget for up to three additional months.

Video courtesy Fall River Government Television.

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