Children and Teen Activities at the Fall River Public Library

Keith Thibault November 6, 2020 Comments Off on Children and Teen Activities at the Fall River Public Library

The Fall River Public Library has a slew of activities for children and teens in the upcoming weeks.

From the Fall River Public Library

Children’s Curbside Crafts, Teen Gaming Events at Fall River Public Library

Turkey day is looming ever closer and to get you into the spirit of the holiday, Fall River Public Library is offering some fun children’s crafts to make the season special. These crafts are easy to make at home, with no mess to clean up.

Starting Monday, November 9, the Main and South Branch libraries will be offering a “Gobble ‘til you Wobble” turkey necklace craft! Everything needed to make one of these adorable necklaces including silk string, colored beads, and a turkey charm, plus instructions, is contained in the prepackaged kit. All that’s required is an assembly for the perfect Thanksgiving accessory!

Next, beginning Monday, November 16, the libraries will offer a 3-D Turkey Craft. Made from durable, colored foam, this friendly fowl is a free-standing sculpture that will make a perfect decoration for the home on Thanksgiving Day!

Children’s crafts can be reserved for curbside pick-up, or families wishing to browse for new books as well can pick them up during their scheduled visit. To reserve a craft for pickup or to schedule a library visit, call the Main Library at 508-324-2700, ext. 4, or the South Branch, 508-324-2708. All crafts are free and available while supplies last.

Our children’s curbside craft series is made possible through the generosity of Debby and Richard Danner.

Teens who enjoy video games can participate in the library’s new online FRPL Gaming Stream on Twitch. Join Taylor and his fellow gaming librarians on Wednesday, November 11 at 3 pm for live gaming chat, reviews, trivia, and history. A Twitch account is not required to watch, but to participate in the chat, viewers must have a free account. For more information, email Taylor at or call 508-324-2700, ext. 123.

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