Charter Review Meeting Results

Donna Motta September 10, 2015 Comments Off on Charter Review Meeting Results

Fall River residents turned out for a Q & A educational forum at the Atrium Center at City Hall last night to learn more about the Charter Review question that will appear on the November 3rd Ballot.

The Charter Review Commission, started several years ago by City Councilor Mike Miozza, and now headed by him and Kris Bartley was designed to get the city’s Charter, which governs the way city government is run, reviewed and possibly changed.

While other cities and towns in the commonwealth have reviewed and or changed their individual charters, not so Fall River.

“The Charter in our great city has not been revised in about a hundred years,” Miozza told last night’s crowd. “It is time to change that.”

A panel of attorney’s and state officials were asked to sit on a panel to answer questions from the public-at-large who attended the two hour event.

State Representative Alan Silvia was among the audience, saying it is important for residents to learn as much as possible in order to make an informed decision about whether to vote yes or no to a change in the Charter when they head to the polls in November.

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