Charter Commission Update

Donna Motta December 20, 2016 Comments Off on Charter Commission Update

Raising the amount of required signatures related to nomination papers, and city council approval for all of a any given mayor’s appointment of department heads,  are some of the changes recommended by the Fall River Charter Commission. The nine member board has been meeting on a regular basis since last January, and is charged with updating the current 80 year old archaic charter. It’s last meeting was Monday night, December 20th.

The Charter Commission is working to complete a draft of its final document as it approaches deadlines during 2017. Former City Councilor Mike Miozza chairs the board, and it was his brain child. On November 7th of next year registered voters will approve or reject a new charter during a regular election, which will include voting for mayor.

The commission meets almost monthly at Kuss Middle School. All of its meetings have been open to the public, and several public hearings and acquiring answers to a survey of what residents would like to see changed, were part of the overall meeting agenda.

A proposal to require a prospective mayoral candidate to collect 300 signatures, and a city council or school committee hopeful to collect 150 signatures before nomination papers for office can be filed, was approved in a 7-1 vote. Commissioner Daniel Robillard dissented. To get into a local race, potential candidates currently only need to obtain 50 signatures. The next meeting is schedule for January 2017.










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