Charter Commission To Unveil Survey Results

Donna Motta June 20, 2016 Comments Off on Charter Commission To Unveil Survey Results

The Fall River Charter Commission is expected to meet tonight, June 20th to review the results of the 2016 Fall River Charter Commission Community Survey. The meeting will be held in the cafeteria at Kuss Middle School at 52 Globe Mills Avenue beginning at 6:00 p.m.

The Commission created a 12-question survey instrument in January, which was distributed to residents, in part by piggybacking on the mailing of the city’s annual census, which mailed approximately 60 thousand forms. In addition, FRC Media News had hosted an online version of the survey; many were distributed at neighborhood meetings; and over 2,300 were sent to senior housing locations around the city.

In total, the Commission received 5,286 responses and have tabulated the results. A PowerPoint presentation will be made at Kuss that includes percentages for each question responded to, and lists some of the written responses the Commission received from participants.

The survey intent was to gain insight on how the community views certain key questions regarding the operation of city government.  The survey is just one tool the Commission will use to help draft a new charter.

The Commission is very pleased with the survey returns,” Chairman Mike Miozza says. “Any time you have a 10% return, that is considered good. I think some people may be surprised with the results. The survey will assist us in our deliberations as the Commission decides on the core of a new charter for the city.”  Miozza went on to say, “The process of a home rule charter is designed to give a voice to the people of Fall River and we feel this survey tool was one mechanism to hear directly from them.”

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