Chapter 90 Monies Approved

Donna Motta April 19, 2016 Comments Off on Chapter 90 Monies Approved

Governor Charles Baker has recently signed legislation to to disburse $200 million dollars in Chapter 90 funding to the 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts. The monies are used to support the reimbursement of every municipality in the Commonwealth for road-related construction projects and comes from general obligation bond Issuances.

Chapter 90 reimburses cities and towns for costs incurred for eligible transportation projects. Cities and towns must submit receipts to the MassDOT Highway Division district in which they are located which verifies that the expenditures qualify for reimbursement under Chapter 90. The Highway Districts in turn submit these receipts to the Department of Transportation’s Fiscal Department which facilitates the reimbursements to cities and towns.

For Fiscal Year 2015 Fall River which is considered District 5 with a population of about 89 thousand residents, received approximately $1.9 million dollars in Chapter 90 funding. It is not yet know how much the city will receive this fiscal year.

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