Changes in Gatherings Impacting Attendance at City Council Meetings

Keith Thibault August 10, 2020 Comments Off on Changes in Gatherings Impacting Attendance at City Council Meetings

Fall River City Council President Cliff Ponte has made changes to opening council chambers to the public based on stricter limits for gatherings imposed Friday by Governor Charlie Baker.

From Councilor Cliff Ponte

FALL RIVER, MA – City Council President Cliff Ponte announces that in accordance with Governor Baker’s updated order which reduces the limit on indoor gatherings to twenty-five (25) in a single, enclosed indoor space which becomes effective on August 11, 2020, the number of attendees who may attend City Council Meetings has changed to the following:

  • Attendance is limited to twenty-five (25), which includes the members of the City Council, City Council meeting staff, Department Heads, Police Officer(s) and members of the public that can be seated in the City Council Chamber.
  • Overflow beyond that capacity will be located in the Atrium with live viewing of the meeting via a televised monitor.
  • Attendees will use the Third Street or Sullivan Drive entrances to enter Government Center and will be guided by staff for proper placement within the Council Chamber or the Atrium to ensure social distancing measures are followed.
  • All attendees will be required to complete a COVID-19 questionnaire and sign in/out for entrance and departure.
  • Attendees will be required to provide their own face coverings, which must be worn at all times,
  • Hand sanitizer will be required upon entering the building.
  • Attendees located in the Council Chamber will use the North Main Street door to exit the building and those located in the Atrium will use the Sullivan Drive door to exit the building.
  • A deep sanitizing of the utilized areas will be performed by custodial staff once all attendees vacate the building,
  • The public is highly encouraged to continue viewing City Council Meetings remotely at and Channel 18 but those looking to be physically present at Government Center must adhere to these guidelines. Citizen input should be submitted by email to city by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the City Council Meeting.

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