Change In Fall River’s DCM Management

Donna Motta January 6, 2017 Comments Off on Change In Fall River’s DCM Management

The relatively new hire is out, and a seasoned employee at Government Center in. Mayor Jasiel Correia has announced that he has replaced DCM Director Adriano Ponceano with old time employee John Perry, who had originally applied for the position last July but was passed over. Instead, Mayor Correia hired Ponceano. City Administrator Cathy Ann Viveiros tells FRC Media News Ponceano did nothing wrong and is now serving under Perry as second in command:





Mayor Jasiel Correia II has made changes in management at the Department of Community Maintenance yet again as the city’s latest director is being replaced by the department’s second in command, John Perry.

Adriano Ponceano was hired to head DCM in July and will now take over Perry’s job.

Perry had applied for the position in the summer but was passed over.

City Councilor Raymond Mitchell confirmed that the administration notified councilors of the management change this afternoon.

A telephone call for comment to City Administrator Cathy Ann Viveiros and a text to Correia were not returned, however, a short time after inquiries to the administration, Special Assistant Faust Fiore sent a press release that identifies Perry as the interim director of DCM and will earn an $80,000 salary plus a $5,000 snow stipend.

In the release Correia made the following statement: “On November 1 of last year, Mr. Perry was given the responsibility of running the city’s cemeteries and has responded admirably. We are pleased to give him the opportunity to manage the entire DCM at this time. His long experience in city government, his demonstrated managerial skills and his intimate knowledge of DCM operations has shown that he deserves the chance to run the department.”

In November, Perry, whose title was director of solid waste, was supervising the city’s cemeteries which Ponceano will now take over. His salary will be reduced from $80,000 to $75,000.

Correia indicated in the press release that he will ask the City Council to change the job description of solid waste director.

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