
Weekly Update with Mayor Paul Coogan (VIDEO)

Keith Thibault July 16, 2020 Comments Off on Weekly Update with Mayor Paul Coogan (VIDEO)

COVID-19 reporting, the city budget, the status of hiring a city administrator, and celebrating Durfee’s graduation.  All this and more during our weekly interview with Mayor Paul Coogan. Watch it here

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Public Safety Grants Awarded To City Of Fall River

Keith Thibault February 5, 2020 Comments Off on Public Safety Grants Awarded To City Of Fall River

Out of a ten community pool, state officials recently announced that the City of Fall River is the largest recipient of state-issued grants awarded by the State Executive Office of Public Safety & Securing

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State Rep Speaks About King Phillip Mills Safety Concerns

Donna Motta February 4, 2020 Comments Off on State Rep Speaks About King Phillip Mills Safety Concerns

The Southend Neighborhood Association in Fall River plans to hold its monthly meeting this Thursday. 

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Reward Offered For Leads In Arson Fire

Donna Motta January 31, 2020 Comments Off on Reward Offered For Leads In Arson Fire

A reward of up to $5,000 for information on an arson-related fire earlier this month in Fall River is up for grabs

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Coffee Chat With Mayor Paul Coogan

Donna Motta January 29, 2020 Comments Off on Coffee Chat With Mayor Paul Coogan

Newly elected Fall River Mayor Paul Coogan will be available to meet with city residents next month to hear their thoughts and concerns involving city business

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