
Baker Announces Plan to Re-Open Massachusetts

Keith Thibault May 18, 2020 Comments Off on Baker Announces Plan to Re-Open Massachusetts

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker today provided specific guidelines as to how the Commonwealth will re-open from the COVID-19 pandemic

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Fall River Eligible to Receive $7.9 Million in State COVID-19 Relief Funds

Keith Thibault May 15, 2020 Comments Off on Fall River Eligible to Receive $7.9 Million in State COVID-19 Relief Funds

The City of Fall River will be eligible to receive nearly eight million dollars to recover local costs attributed to COVID-19 through an allocation of federal relief funds sent to the Commonwealth.  According to

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Senator Rodrigues Among State Leaders Keeping the Legislature on Track (VIDEO)

Keith Thibault May 13, 2020 Comments Off on Senator Rodrigues Among State Leaders Keeping the Legislature on Track (VIDEO)

While much of the Commonwealth is shuttered due to the effects of COVID-19, the Massachusetts State Legislature has not stopped conducting its work, albeit with limitations.  And local State Senator Michael Rodrigues is one

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Governor Reccomends $1 Billion Supplemental Budget for COVID-19 Expenses

Keith Thibault May 12, 2020 Comments Off on Governor Reccomends $1 Billion Supplemental Budget for COVID-19 Expenses

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker is recommending the legislature approve a $1 billion supplemental budget to cover expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic

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Governor Announces Four Phases For Re-Opening Massachusetts

Keith Thibault May 11, 2020 Comments Off on Governor Announces Four Phases For Re-Opening Massachusetts

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker today unveiled requirements to be met to re-open the Commonwealth starting May

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