In an effort to hear what young people want in order to improve their lives in Fall River, the city’s Recreation Department is holding a Youth Violence Prevention Program October 20th. Ms. Anne Marie
Read MoreHere is a copy of the agenda going before the regular city council meeting tonight. PRIORITY MATTERS 1. *Confirmation of Mary L. Sahady, Esq. to the Housing Authority Board 2. *Confirmation of Nadilio Almeida
Read MoreMother nature causes potholes all year long, so even though workers with the Department of Community Maintenance work all year long to repair them, potholes are an inherent problem in Fall River. That from
Read MoreThe Commission on Disability met this week to discuss the city’s progress on making Fall River more user friendly for people with disabilities. Julianne Kelly from the non-profit organization Mass in Motion was the
Read MoreAs of right now…$20 thousand dollars in sponsorship money has been drummed up for a walk-a-thon fundraiser. Place: Bristol Community College (Pond area) Date: October 17th – Rain date October 24th Time: 9:00 a.m.
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