
Middle School Students Learned All About College Life At BCC Today

Donna Motta September 25, 2015 Comments Off on Middle School Students Learned All About College Life At BCC Today

Bristol Community College was besieged with eager young middle school students today as they college hosted a CONNECT Partnership College Immersion Program. Frc Media Director Keith Thibault was part of the welcome wagon greeting

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It’s Star Gazing Night At BCC

Donna Motta September 23, 2015 Comments Off on It’s Star Gazing Night At BCC

A Fall Equinox Star Party will be held at Bristol Community College Tonight between 7:00 and 9:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Astronomy Club, the event will take place at the Astronomical Observation Deck, which

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College Fair at McCoy Stadium

Donna Motta September 16, 2015 Comments Off on College Fair at McCoy Stadium

A representative from the Office of Admissions at Bristol Community College will be on hand to greet students of all ages at a College Fair to take place September 16th at McCoy Stadium. The

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Consider taking e-learning courses at BCC

Donna Motta September 11, 2015 Comments Off on Consider taking e-learning courses at BCC

Expand your options through distance learning. You can customize your learning experience to match your educational goals, learning styles, and add some flexibility to your busy schedule. If you wish to enroll in one

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A Former Durfee High School Student Disagrees with New Policy

Donna Motta September 8, 2015 Comments Off on A Former Durfee High School Student Disagrees with New Policy

The first words out of a BCC student’s mouth was: “Ouch,” when he learned about the new 2015-2016 school policy instituted at his former High School. Twenty-year old Treveills Oliver graduated from BMC Durfee

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