
New School Superintendent Signs Contract

Donna Motta July 1, 2016 Comments Off on New School Superintendent Signs Contract

Fall River’s New School Superintendent Matthew Malone is expected to start his first day in that position today, succeeding Meg Mayo-Brown. During a quick School Committee Meeting June 30th, the $183 thousand dollar a

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Steppingstone Gets A Step Up

Donna Motta June 29, 2016 Comments Off on Steppingstone Gets A Step Up

The State Office of Labor & Workforce Development has announced that Steppingstone – a social service agency with forty years of experience in helping those with addiction problems – has been awarded a $175

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School Committee Selects Malone as Next Superintendent

Keith Thibault June 23, 2016 Comments Off on School Committee Selects Malone as Next Superintendent

The Fall River School Committee last night voted to appoint former Massachusetts Secretary of Education and former Brockton School Superintendent Matthew Malone to lead the city’s school district beginning July 1st. The committee took two

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School Superintendent Finalists Publicly Interviewed

Donna Motta June 17, 2016 Comments Off on School Superintendent Finalists Publicly Interviewed

The three finalists for the soon-to-vacant school superintendent position in Fall River have undergone public interviews last night, June 16th. All hold Doctorial Degrees, the proper licenses and possess urban school experience; two are

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Public Interviews Of School Superintendent Finalists Scheduled

Donna Motta June 16, 2016 Comments Off on Public Interviews Of School Superintendent Finalists Scheduled

The School Committee cut the list of candidates for the position of school superintendent from nineteen (19) to three (3) recently. Vice Chairman of the School Committee and Chair of the search committee Mark

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