In 1692, approximately 168 men and women in Salem, Massachusetts, were accused of practicing witchcraft. They were tried at the world-famous Salem witch trials, and 20 were executed. On Tuesday, October 2, Fall River
Read MoreThe Creative Arts Network in Fall River is in the process of finalizing plans for upcoming community-related events to take place in the city over the next three months. Co-Founder Sandy Dennis is welcoming
Read MoreSpindle City Ballet’s Junior Company, supported by a cast of 13 local children, will present Alice in Wonderland next month in Fall River. Performances will take place on Saturday, October 13, and Sunday, October 14,
Read MoreCommunity Connections, a non-profit agency that helps people with disabilities participate in rehabilitation and other services, is holding a walk-a-thon this Sunday. Registration is still open, and anyone can walk alone or with sponsors,
Read MoreThe 6th Annual Kids-A-Palooza will be held from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 22, 2018 on North Main Street in downtown Fall River. The event features family-friendly activities supported and provided
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