Book Sale Item Donations Wanted

Donna Motta October 2, 2015 Comments Off on Book Sale Item Donations Wanted

Book donations are now being accepted for the annual book sale coming up this fall at Bristol Community College.

All books in good condition, including children and text books, are now being accepted at the Learning Resource Center in A building on campus.

Also being accepted in terms of media items: VHS/ CD/ DVD and books on tape. Please note: No magazines or journals are not donation eligible.

Donations can be dropped off at the library until Friday, November 13th at 4:00 p.m.

The actual book sale will be held in late November.

Feel free to give Melanie Johnson (Serials Librarian/ILL/Division IV Liaison/AFSCME Steward Unit I) a call at (508) 678-2811 – Ext. 2458 if you have any questions.

The actual book sale will be held in late November.

Photo courtesy

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