BCC Holocaust Center Presents…

Donna Motta November 4, 2016 Comments Off on BCC Holocaust Center Presents…

The Holocaust Center at Bristol Community College held a workshop today, November 4th, to discuss how educators can describe propaganda techniques used during the Holocaust in the 1930’s to help their students understand how Hitler rose to power during his reign.

Topics up for discussion included:

  • How educators can define Holocaust propaganda to their students
  • How students can be encouraged to use critical thinking skills when analyzing Nazi Propaganda
  • Which websites provide excellent Nazi Propaganda techniques that helped Hitler rise to power
  • What strategies students can use to analyze propaganda as it relates to visual and written elements of the time period

The purpose of the workshop is to emphasize the importance of how Nazi Propaganda affected the psyche’s of the German people to the point where the nation decided to follow Hitler as one of the most powerful dictators to terrorize the world during the last century.

Photo courtesy: Michelle Dumais

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